Friday, August 28, 2009

जीजस की जय - क्रिश्चियन मिसनरी के नायाब नुख्से

खर्र .... खर्र .... खुट.... एक कॉन्वेंट स्कूल का बस चलते - चलते अचानक रुक जाती है | शायद कोई तकनिकी गडबडी हो !

ड्राईवर जोसफ बस को स्टार्ट करने का प्रयास कर रहा है .. खर्र .... खर्र .... खुट.... लेकिन बस स्टार्ट नहीं होता |

अब सिस्टर मेरी बच्चों को संबोधित कर कहती है, बच्चों बस तो स्टार्ट नहीं हो रही है चलो तुमलोग अपने भगवान् का नाम लो ... "राम भगवान् की जय ... राम भगवान् की जय ... राम भगवान् की जय ...."

बस स्टार्ट करने की कोशिश फिर से की जाती है .. राम भगवान् की जय ... खर्र .... खर्र .... खुट..... बस स्टार्ट नहीं होती है |

सिस्टर मेरी - "बच्चों लगता है भगवान् राम ने हमारी सहायता नहीं की .. कोई बात नहीं अब जीजस की जय बोल कर देखते हैं, बोलो जीजस की जय .. जीजस की जय .. जीजस की जय .. जीजस की जय .."

जोसफ फिर से बस स्टार्ट करता है " जीजस की जय .... " बस स्टार्ट हो जाती है |

सिस्टर मेरी - "देखा बच्चो जीजस ने मुसीबत के समय कैसे हमारी सहायता की .. फिर से बोलो जीजस की जय .." बस सुरक्षित स्कूल पहुँच गया ...

बच्चे खुस... की जीजस ने सहायता कर हमारी बस स्टार्ट कर दी ..

सिस्टर मेरी और जोसफ शहर के मुख्य पादरी के पास जाकर पूरी घटना सुनाते हैं | THE BOSS SAYS WELL THAT WAS A GOOD JOB. NEXT YEAR YOUR SALRY WILL RISE, BECAUSE YOU DID A GREAT SERVICE TO THE LORD (हिंदी मैं - पादरी साहब कहते है , तुमलोगों ने अच्छा काम किया है | अगले साल तुमलोगों का वेतन बढ़ा दिया जाएगा | तुमलोगों ने गोड जीजस के लिए महान कार्य किया है )


Unknown said...


विवेक सिंह said...

अपना सिक्का खोटा है,

किसी और का क्या दोष ?

Gyan Darpan said...

यही फार्मूला ये आदिवासियों पर भी आजमाते है |

aarya said...

राकेश जी
सदर वन्दे !
यही घटना ठीक १० साल पहले
उत्तर प्रदेश में भी घटी थी जो
मेरी जानकारी में है, जाने ऐसी कितने
ही छल कपट ये अपनाते हैं, विवेक जी ने
सही कहा है की अपना सिक्का ही खोटा है.
रत्नेश त्रिपाठी

KSP1857 said...

एकदम सटीक । जब तक ऐसे लोग अपनी धार्मीक विस्तारवादी नितीयाँ नही छोड़ते तब तक धर्मो के बीच सोहार्द कभी कायम नही हो सकता। जाने कितने लादेन व दारासिंह पैदा होते रहेंगे।

स्वप्न मञ्जूषा said...

इ सब ढकोसला बाजी हम बहुत देखे हैं भाई..
जीजस और माता मरियम का bahut पाठ किये हैं ज़िन्दगी भर मिशन में जो पढ़े हैं और हॉस्टल में रहे हैं ढाई साल का उम्र से...
अरे इनका सारा कच्चा चिटठा जानता हूँ हम... कभी लिखूंगा इनका भी फंडा कौन अलग नहीं है भैया....
बड़े घाघ लोग हैं सब.....अरे मेरा मुंह कोई न खोल्वावे नहीं तो का निकलेगा हम नहीं कह सकते हैं ...इनका तो नामवे लेने से हमरा एडी का बोखार चुंदी में चढ़ जाता है...
राकेश बाबु सही जा रहे हो...बस लगे रहो बाबु....हम हैं तोहरे संगे...


वाणी गीत said...

बच्चों के मिशनरी स्कूल में पढने के कारण इस तरह के प्रसंग सुनने को मिलते रहते हैं ..मगर क्या करें ..शिक्षा क्षेत्र में इनके दबदबे से इनकार भी तो नहीं किया जा सकता ...!!


Who forced you educate your kids Christian Missionary School. You can very well start your own school and start propogating your religion.

Rakesh Singh - राकेश सिंह said...

Mr. Sanjay (don't know if its your real name) try to answer following things, you will get the answer :
Suppose you get humiliated in a pub and you report to some one. Some one tell you that who told you to go to pub? you can open your own pub. Will you be happy?

In other words : it is clear that you just supporting the wrong doing of the Christian Missionary School.

Do Christian Missionary School supposed to behave like this? Aren't parents supposed to know the truth about the Christian Missionary School?

डॉ. रूपचन्द्र शास्त्री 'मयंक' said...

ईसाइयत को बढ़ावा देने के लिए ऐसे ही तो हथकण्डे अपनाये जा रहे हैं।

जगदीश त्रिपाठी said...

भाई राकेश जी, ऐसी अनेक घटनाएं हैं। जिन दिनों मैं सुलतानपुर में अमर उजाला ब्यूरो का प्रभारी था। मैंने पादरियों के ऐसे कई कारनामों का भांडा फोड़ा था। ये तो जीसस के नाम लोगों को झाड़ फूंक कर ठीक करने का भी दावा करते हैं।


Oh yes, If you aware that you are going to humiliated in Pub, in spite of the fact, if you are you attending the pub, you should not blame.

If you drinking in "Sharab Ka Theka", you should complain about ambiance.

The core purpose of christian missionary to propagate teaching of Jesus, they openly admit this.

Yes, I do severely criticize those hypocrite who do nothing constructive, i.e. they donot contribute any way to open a "quality" school based on their religious belief or their secular thoughts, they look towards mission school for the education and in the end they blame them.

The very background of my comments is one my acquittance project himself as person of nationalistic outlook, his elder son is studying in mission school, he narrated the story that narrated by you as a real incident occurred with his son ( God knows, how many places this has happened).

The Punchline is that he is trying to get admission for his younger son in same missionary school.

Well, you are staying in U.S.A.

They are schools run by Indians, who propagates supremacy of their religion directly or indirectly (Yes they do).
If in rarest case an American Christian send their ward to above school. Shall he justified to blame the prorogation of supremacy of their religion.

Atmaram Sharma said...

तथाकथित धर्म (?) का विस्तार ऐसे ही होता है.

Nikunj Vasi said...

sorry my hindi wring not good .. Sanjay, you are right, I did 2 yrs of my schooling at a convent, that time i did not realize, but they do propagate openly. and yes 'apna sikka khota hai' that we let them do it in the first place. Even if we enact a law against it, going by Indian standards, it'll take a generation of time to fix them.

I've had chance to speak to many friends of mine to ensure they dont enroll their kids on Xian schools, but an irony, i could not do much when my brother got my niece enrolled in a Xian school !

Well it is upto the parents, what 'sanskars' they give to their children. Not same, but similar stuff i've gone thru myself, but it certainly did not poison me.

Point is that, do not enroll kids to Xian schools, educate your friends and family abt these incidents. Lets make our children immune to these crooks and give them best sanksars, and let us follow them ourselves too !

विवेक रस्तोगी said...

इस तरह की गतिविधियाँ झाबुआ में प्रत्यक्ष जाकर आज भी देख सकते हैं।

naresh singh said...

लगता है जब मेरा नेट नही चलेगा तो मुझे भी जीसस की जय बोलनी पडेगी । हा हा हा ...।

दिगम्बर नासवा said...

आपका kahna सत्य है bilkul ......... ये mishneries ऐसे ही करती हैं .......... और baal मन kalushit हो जाता है ....... sateek और सार्थक lekh


Well Rakesh Singhji,

You are from Ghatsila.

One of my close relative is unit head of a Hindu Organization at GHATSILA, who works for uplift-ment of Tribe and works against activities of Christian Missionaries, once upon a time, I was also associated with such organization through him( Let us pray he shall not read my comment, I am selfish enough not to spoil relation with him. In my last comment, you had doubt about my real identitiy, you would have got answer for it).

Coming back to my relative, his son had got educated through one of reputed Mission School based at Ranchi and after his higher education working at SWEDEN (country with more than 99 % population of Christian)(I hope you would have guessed his name) BUT he always advice tribes to be away from mission school and get education from schools run by his organization (Even though I offered few free classes in those school, The quality and infrastructure of the school is not to be talked about).

Whenever he comes back from gathering or meeting of those tribes, he never forgets to purify himself and he expresses his condition in the word " Yeah samaj seva ka kam hi aisa hai ki chamara, domava,adivasiya sabh ke sath uthana baithana padta hain".

He talks against religious conversion and bringing them hindu society BUT by maintaining caste based hierarchical system , he wants them to place at lowest rung of the society.

Howsover, an adivasi may be educated, he shall always look down.

He is no different person, I know their enite brigarde, all are alike.

I do agree with you, money is not the reason for conversion,

With my above experience, I am trying to find answer that Why a poor muslim, a poorer Bramhin, a poorer forward caste or even poor OBC (now a politically powerful section of the society) do not get converted.

At the same time well educated Tribe occupying good position in government oraganization do not want to adopt hinduism, either they stick to Christianity or their own tribal belief but nobody wants to come to fold of hinduism (My own experience, when I was working in a government organisation at Ranchi).

Now the question of Schedule Caste comes.

During my education, I was at Indian Institute of Technology, I got to know some of the Schedule Caste student from Bihar. On paper they were hindu ( Probably to get benefit of reservation), but in practices they use to follow Christianity.
Definitely, it was not the teaching of Jesus, which has drawn them towards Christianity nor they were getting any sort of help from church or christian missionary. I am sure, if they would have been allowed to get benefit of reservation even after conversion it would not have taken a minute for them get converted.
IT WAS SOME REPULSIVE FACTOR OF HINDUISM that drawn closer towards other religion.

Rakesh Singh - राकेश सिंह said...

Namaskar Sanjay ji,

1st of all I thank you for your precious time and request you to reveal you identity. Trust me I will not reveal your identity to any other person. You have raised some valid concerns. Let me try to explain it.

Basically the guy you are talking about is a individual. And he is wrong, if he does not follow whatever he himself say. But does it mean all the persons working for uplift-ment of Tribe and works against activities of Christian Missionaries are wrong ? Before talking about other person let me talk about myself, I belong to so called upper caste, couple of my best friends are Radhe PASWAN, Vinod RAJAK, Vishnu MAHALI (Aadivaashi) and countless times I eat with them in their home. If you want I can give their numbers also, you can confirm how was my behavior to them. Major part of my education done in Hindi medium local schools (no missionary school). Now does it mean all the persons who talk about anti conversion are product of local schools? Request you to please do not generalize it because of some of your relative doing wrong. There are many persons doing great service to Hinduism and mankind.

I know the infrastructure of those schools. But did you put enough effort to get the root cause? let me point few of them
* monthly fees collected from schools are so low that they can't even pay monthly salary to their teachers.
* because of low sal many do not want to work there.
people like me or you or the others do not even bother to improve the situation. We just talk and blindly blame the Hindu org. There are shortcoming and but who will correct them? Isn't its our duty to work with such org.?

If you compare the Christian missionary schools with the Saraswati Shishu Mandir (for example), we will find + & - on both side. Majority of Christian missionary schools students just hate Indian culture. People need to know the truth & be careful about the Christian missionary schools.

संजय भाई मैं भी पहले ऐसा हो सोचता था की गन्दगी सिर्फ हिन्दुओं मैं है | जब क्रिश्चियन को नजदीक देखा तो समझ मैं आया की इससे हम काफी अच्छे हैं |

संजय जी धारा के साथ तो कोई भी तैर सकता है, धारा के विपरीत जो तैरे वही सच्चा तैराक है |

Reply is getting longer please send me you e-mail or contact number. I will call you and can discuss in detail.

Rakesh (

दर्पण साह said...

....Agreed !!!


Dear Rakesh Singh,

As I told earlier also, it was not only my relative, there are many more like him in that brigade.

I found a number of people like RAKESH SINGH, but they were either crippled by their means or sidelined.

There were people who were at the frontal level of organization and they derived political milage out of it also, their economical condition are sound enough, had they supported their educational institution , it would have outweighed the missionary run school.

if the person like SANJAY KUMAR draws their attention towards hypocrisy, it only antagonize them.

If a person with constructive thought like SANJAY KUMAR emphasize the importance of ENGLISH in their school those leader see that as cultural invasion.

But common man is pragmatic enough to know their interest and accordingly they choose their school.

Not only that some of their top leaders talk of HINDI, but once they go back to their native state, say MAHARASHTRA, They started talking of domoninace and hegemony of HINDI and accordingly they perceive danger from HINDI (Mind it, not from English).

This hypocrisy and double standard can easily be traced in some of blogs that you follows, people who declare themselves as "Committed to restructuring of nation" and pose themselves nationalistic outlook written at length against imposition of Hindi as a national language.


Rakesh Singh - राकेश सिंह said...

Namaskaar Sanjay ji I thought you will reveal you identity so that we can talk in great details. But seems you are just finding too many negatives and not interested to talk about the solutions or the positives. Anyway I will not force you for anything.

I true Hindu will not just keep quite when there are severe attack on our culture. I agree to some of your points. Still I believe in (if you understand Hindi) :

"आवहु सब मिल रोवहु भाई भारत दुर्दशा देखि न जाई"